Salary Directory Denver Product Designers

Product Designer Salary in Denver

Product Designer Job Description

A product designer can have many different tasks to perform in the course of their career. Some involve developing new products while others work strictly with existing ones. Dealing with design is important with both, either to design something new that will fill a need or make design changes to an existing product to make it more functional or costs less to produce. Products often include specialized products used in industries such as electronics and medical.

To be a successful product designer, one must fully comprehend the complete lifecycle of the product. A complete understanding of its technical elements is necessary, including its distribution chain. Helpful skills include proficiency with industrial, spatial or 3D design. Other important skills include creativity, an ability to handle deadlines, teamwork skills and commercial awareness.

Living and Working in Denver

Denver has grown a great deal since its founding in 1858 and continues to focus on having a strong housing market, plenty of transportation options and a fast-growing economy. The main industries include IT/software, aerospace, telecommunications, bioscience, broadcast and telecommunications, financial services and healthcare/wellness. With its ranking of sixth in the country for creative industries, it is ideal for those looking for employment where creativity is well-regarded.

Living in Denver is fun and exciting, with hundreds of restaurants and venues for entertainment. Speaking of restaurants, more than 200 new ones open each year and Denver is home to many award-winning chefs. Furthermore, in 2016, Zagat rated Denver third hottest food city, with everything from food trucks to five star. Add in countless museums and attractions and Denver is a great place to be.

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Compare Product Designer salaries by region

Product Designers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. Seattle
  2. $203,200
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $176,100
  5. New York
  6. $160,314
  7. Denver
  8. $160,000
  9. Washington D.C.
  10. $157,500
  11. Dallas/Ft Worth
  12. $150,000
  13. Toronto
  14. C$140,333
  15. Chicago
  16. $122,250
  17. Los Angeles
  18. $121,666
  19. London
  20. £105,748
  21. Austin
  22. $100,000
  1. Seattle
  2. $203,200
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $176,100
  5. New York
  6. $160,314
  7. Denver
  8. $160,000
  9. Washington D.C.
  10. $157,500
  11. Dallas/Ft Worth
  12. $150,000
  13. Toronto
  14. C$140,333
  15. Chicago
  16. $122,250
  17. Los Angeles
  18. $121,666
  19. London
  20. £105,748
  21. Austin
  22. $100,000
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Where Product Designers are highest in demand

    Product Designers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: