Salary Directory Dublin Security / Cybersecurity Engineers

Security / Cybersecurity Engineer Salary in Dublin

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Compare Security / Cybersecurity Engineer salaries by region

Security / Cybersecurity Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $185,594
  3. New York
  4. $174,777
  5. Phoenix
  6. $171,333
  7. Boston
  8. $169,269
  9. Washington D.C.
  10. $167,786
  11. Seattle
  12. $165,480
  13. Chicago
  14. $163,390
  15. Los Angeles
  16. $160,764
  17. Philadelphia
  18. $152,949
  19. Dallas/Ft Worth
  20. $147,039
  21. Columbus
  22. $146,666
  23. Toronto
  24. C$141,176
  25. Tampa
  26. $140,000
  27. Austin
  28. $122,700
  29. Dublin
  30. €120,000
  31. Denver
  32. $101,500
  33. London
  34. £93,603
  35. Minneapolis/St Paul
  36. $80,000
  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $185,594
  3. New York
  4. $174,777
  5. Phoenix
  6. $171,333
  7. Boston
  8. $169,269
  9. Washington D.C.
  10. $167,786
  11. Seattle
  12. $165,480
  13. Chicago
  14. $163,390
  15. Los Angeles
  16. $160,764
  17. Philadelphia
  18. $152,949
  19. Dallas/Ft Worth
  20. $147,039
  21. Columbus
  22. $146,666
  23. Toronto
  24. C$141,176
  25. Tampa
  26. $140,000
  27. Austin
  28. $122,700
  29. Dublin
  30. €120,000
  31. Denver
  32. $101,500
  33. London
  34. £93,603
  35. Minneapolis/St Paul
  36. $80,000
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Where Security / Cybersecurity Engineers are highest in demand

    Security / Cybersecurity Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: