UX Researcher Salary in San Diego

UX Researcher Job Description

UX (User Experience) Researchers are charged with investigating the needs of a particular user group as it relates to a product. If the product is still in the design phase, their research can help in identifying any existing problem before the production begins. The results of a UX research can also help in ironing out any difficulties that may have emerged after a product is released.

UX Researchers collect data in different ways. They may gather information using diary studies, interviews, questionnaires and study groups. UX Researchers may also conduct contextual inquiries, where they observe how users directly interact with a product or equipment. They work closely with UX designers and UI (User Interface) designers with the ultimate goal of improving ease of use and user satisfaction.

Living and Working in San Diego

San Diego's unemployment rate has been on a steady decline since 2011. In 2017, the city‰Ûªs unemployment stood at 4.7%, lower than the national average. The city‰Ûªs strong economy is supported by thriving tourism, healthcare and technology sectors. Other major employers include the Marine Corps and U.S. Navy. Some of the popular attractions within the city include the San Diego Zoo, Sea World and the San Diego Symphony Orchestra.

Famous for its beaches and warm weather, San Diego offers a lot of indoor and outdoor options for residents. The city hosts world-class restaurants, museums and entertainment centers. San Diego has a rich network of distinct areas, some of which include Mission Bay, Del Mar and La Jolla.

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Compare UX Researcher salaries by region

UX Researchers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. Seattle
  2. $197,333
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $174,166
  5. Denver
  6. $160,000
  7. New York
  8. $148,975
  9. Washington D.C.
  10. $136,250
  11. Los Angeles
  12. $135,000
  13. Toronto
  14. C$130,000
  15. Chicago
  16. $117,928
  17. London
  18. £117,500
  1. Seattle
  2. $197,333
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $174,166
  5. Denver
  6. $160,000
  7. New York
  8. $148,975
  9. Washington D.C.
  10. $136,250
  11. Los Angeles
  12. $135,000
  13. Toronto
  14. C$130,000
  15. Chicago
  16. $117,928
  17. London
  18. £117,500
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Where UX Researchers are highest in demand

    UX Researchers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: